If Only Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I'm also worried I'll forget the sound of her voice. It's already fading a little, even though I have her cell phone message. We do have some movies Dad made, but that's not the same as hearing it in your head. (14.6)

Losing touch with your own memories is awful. At leas Corinna can still talk to her mom's voice mail, though it's obviously not the same. We've got loads more to say about this over in the "Symbols" section, in case you're interested.

Quote #8

Uncle Patrick and Aunt Vicky, my father's brother and his wife, are both trying to be thoughtful and make an effort to talk and sit with me away from my loud and hyper cousins. All the grown-ups ask me the same question: "How's school?" (17.8)

Just as Corinna's school friends feel uncomfortable talking to her about the deep stuff, so do her adult relatives. Knowing how to talk to the grieving is never easy, no matter what age you are.

Quote #9

I think people are avoiding talking about Mom, which is really weird, because we're with our own family. It's like everyone is trying to protect one another by not bringing her up, but it's so obvious that she's on everyone's minds. (17.9)

Yeah, what's up with that, anyway? If her relatives said what they were feeling, it would give Corinna permission to do the same.