If Only Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The great thing about Clare is that she understands the serious stuff. Another great thing about Clare is that we can joke about things that no one else gets, like baked ziti. (9.41)

Obviously it's not actually funny when your mom dies and the neighbors pity-cook for you. However, you eventually have to find something to laugh at in the middle of the pain, and for Clare and Corinna, it's the fact that baked ziti seems to be the default condolence dish.

Quote #5

Joci is a great friend in some ways, but after what happened with my bracelet, on top of blabbing about my mom to who knows how many people last summer, I really don't know if we can stay friends. (10.39)

For the first half of the book, Joci's not a great friend at all. But we'll cut her a little slack—she hasn't had any practice dealing with death. (But seriously, what's up with that bracelet?)

Quote #6

If you'd told me back in September that Clare would become a regular member of our lunch table by November, I would never have believed it. No one changes where they sit unless there's some big fight or something. (11.16)

By accepting Clare, Corinna's friends show her she can trust them. Allowing Clare to sit with them is an act of kindness not just to Clare, but also to Corinna.