If Only Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Now I'm really not sure our friendship will survive. And that would be sad. We've been friends for so many years, and I really love her mom. (13.39)

Joci's mom is the closest person Corinna has to a mother after Sophie dies—we just wish Joci's mom would reassure Corinna that she's not going anywhere. (Saying it with Victoria's Secret is the next best thing, though.)

Quote #8

"So even though I hate it when you say things like that, or broadcast to the entire world about my mom having cancer even after I ask you not to, I just hope we can be real friends again, like before." (16.53)

Her friendship with Joci will never be like before because Sophie's death has made Corinna a different person. However, seeing that they can weather something so awful is likely to make the friendship even stronger.

Quote #9

"Yeah… but… well… it was really hard. I felt so uncomfortable. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what you wanted me to do." (16.56)

Finally, Joci admits it. Sixteen chapters in is better than never, right? Let the healing begin.