Character Analysis
There are few things that rival rabid prepubescent fans. Mallory Armstrong is Owen's annoying little sister who just happens to be obsessed with models, and is therefore totally star struck by Annabel's presence. Mallory is constantly trying to get Annabel's attention and organizing elaborate model fashion shoots with her friends—and this reminds Annabel that most kids just play at being models instead of actually worrying about having jobs as models. When Annabel talks about this to Whitney, the sisters share a rare moment of understanding:
Like so much else that had happened that weekend, I found myself in this unexpected moment with my sister almost holding my breath. Finally I said, "I mean we never did that, you know? When we were kids." (11.209)
Mallory reminds Annabel that it's okay to want to preserve your youth and to let go of adult responsibilities like jobs and careers. Sometimes you just want to have some fun.