How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
All the information I possessed about Owen Armstrong I'd gotten from a distance. (2.12)
Owen Armstrong is the kind of high school student who has an intimidating reputation—word on the street is that he's been arrested for being in a fight. Who wants to be friends with that guy?
Quote #2
I'd once felt the same way about Owen as well, of course. Everyone did. But there was something about our daily proximity that made me relax, or at least not jump every time he looked my way. (4.12)
You can't tell everything about a person from the rumors that are floating around about them. Even by just sitting next to Owen, Annabel can tell that there's more to him than meets the eye. He's an interesting character.
Quote #3
I'd endured a lot of scrutiny since the beginning of the school year. It was nothing, however, compared to the looks Owen and I got as we walked up to the parking lot. (5.39)
There's nothing that gets high school gossip going like the possibility of romance between two infamous students. Both Annabel and Owen are used to their fair share of attention though, so it's not a big deal that people are gossiping about them.