How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
But once people knew about this, I was sure they'd see me in a different way. That with every glance, they'd no longer see me, but what had happened to me, so raw and shameful and private, turned outward and suddenly scrutinized. (13.172)
Annabel isn't just afraid that people won't believe her if she tells the truth—she's afraid that if they do believe her, they'll never see her the same way again. She'll be come defined by her assault.
Quote #8
As for Emily herself, she seemed to be doing well. She certainly wasn't hiding out. In fact, I saw her everywhere—in the halls, the courtyard, hanging out in the parking lot—always with a bunch of girls around her. (15.92)
Emily isn't afraid that people will think less of her after her rape, and she's not afraid of Sophie's bullying. Instead, she holds her head high and continues going on with her life. You have to admire that kind of defiance.
Quote #9
He had already given me so much, but now I leaned toward him, asking him for one last thing. Something I knew he did better than anyone. "Don't think or judge," I said. "Just listen." (18.79)
Owen's always shown Annabel that he's a completely honest and understanding guy, so that's why she goes to him first when she decides to tell her story. She knows that he won't think that she's damaged goods or that it was her fault. He'll believe her.