Just Listen Respect and Reputation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Right, I thought. Okay. So I wasn't the only one who had heard some rumors. It was only fair, though. Here I'd had all these assumptions about Owen based on what had been said about him, but it hadn't occurred to me that there were stories about me out there as well. Or at least one. (5.205)

What have people been saying about Annabel and Will Cash? Now that she's talking to Owen, she's afraid that he'll take the rumors as truth and judge her… just like Sophie judged her. It's a good thing that Owen doesn't listen to all the nonsense.

Quote #5

And for all the drama, being with Will had made her more envied than ever. She didn't have to follow the most popular girl around anymore. She was the most popular girl. (6.73)

Being perceived as having the best and most enviable life is really important to Sophie. In fact, at the end of the day it's more important to her than valuing her friendships and being kind to other people. Maybe that's why she's alone at the end.

Quote #6

"No kidding. They were supposed to be best friends." Hillary sighed. "I guess you can't trust anybody." (12.144)

The girls who have "hooked up" with Will Cash behind Sophie's back are seen as untrustworthy. But really it's Will who should be stigmatized and shunned—he's the real bad guy here (and a really bad guy at that).