Chomp Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"What do you need me for?" his father said to Derek. "You're gonna fake the rest of it, same as you always do."


"In our line of work," Raven cut in, "it's known as 're-creating' events for the camera." (8.83-85)

Any way you say it, lying is lying. Even though Derek intends to make the show more real, he is still hiring a wrangler to catch the animals for him, which is most definitely fake.

Quote #8

"They're gonna cut me out of the gator scene. Make it look like an 'escape' instead of a rescue." (8.105)

What does this kind of lying do to the TV audience? Will they think it is okay to jump on an alligator for fun, like Derek did, hooting like a cowboy?

Quote #9

"And now we got them killer pythons from Asia. They grow thirty feet long and eat the tourists right off the boardwalk." This was utter nonsense, but Sickler laid it on thick. (10.97)

Deceit is what Sickler uses to make extra money from tourists and now from Derek's crew. He lies in order to trick ignorant people into thinking they are getting what they want, which sounds an awful like what Derek does.