godless Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I made the mistake of leaving one of my drawings face-up on my desk. […] In fact, in the drawing that my dad saw sitting on my desk, [Bustella] was wearing nothing but a scabbard for her sword. (3.2)

Ah yes. The man-child goes from sketching ninjas and super heroes to drawing scantily-clad goddesses. Coming of age indeed.

Quote #2

What makes them think that they happen to have been born into the right [religion]? I have asked this question several times. So far, I haven't heard a good answer. (6.56)

We wonder whether Jason hasn't heard a good answer because there isn't a satisfying one to this particular question, or because Jason's parents still see him as a just-do-as-you-are-told child. Perhaps a bit of both?

Quote #3

Free, free at last! Ha! They'll never catch me now—not until it's too late. […] From now on, they'll do as I say. (10.2)

More characteristic Jason hyperbole, but it's pretty clear that this young man wants his independence and longs for a reversal in the power structure.