godless Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Magda laughs, and I feel it inside my chest.

There is nothing in the world I would rather do than make Magda Price laugh. (23.79-80)

We think Hautman does a good job of capturing adolescent crush sensations and thoughts.

Quote #8

"I'm sorry to hear that, Jason. […] Because it means you've got a long, lonely road ahead of you."

"It's my road."

"You're right about that." His shoulders dropped and I felt something go out of him, as if he had been holding his breath for years and had suddenly remembered to exhale. (31.12-14)

Sometimes adulthood contains paradoxes. Jason gets what he's fought for, but it's not all jumpy-houses and pony rides.

Quote #9

"All right then," [my dad] said, his mouth curved into a sad smile. It wasn't one of his usual looks—angry, bewildered, impatient, friendly, curious, or astonished. It was more of a level look, a look of recognition and understanding. (31.15)

A level look. One of mutuality and some degree of equality. This is a Big Moment.