godless Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

This will be the first time I've ever mowed the lawn without direct orders from a superior officer. Better to take on one quick job than let my mother enslave me for some major all-day monotony. (11.18)

If not actual maturity, this course of action certainly seems to illustrate that Jason has gained wisdom from experience.

Quote #5

I don't know what to say. It's weird. I can sit in a TPO meeting or a classroom with a bunch of kids and yak my head off. Or talk for hours to Shin, or even to a guy like Henry, but one-on-one with Magda, my brain seizes up like an overheated engine. (13.14)

Good times. Those first phone calls with the opposite sex. We thought all you whippersnappers texted these days?

Quote #6

"Jason," [my dad] says, fighting to keep his voice under control, "Do you want to keep living here with us, under this roof?"

I nod. It's not such a bad place. (20.45-46)

Sixteen: that awkward stage of wanting to run the show yourself, and needing someone else to keep a roof over your head.