godless Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[Shin and I] met in a computer workshop when we were ten years old. […] [We] collaborated on a comic book that summer. […] Inevitably, we became best friends. (1.44-46)

Is a friendship forged at the age of ten likely to endure through the teen years and into adulthood? Some we know of do, but plenty definitely fizzle.

Quote #2

"He's not a freak," I said, knowing that Shin was hearing everything. (1.26)

Do you think Jason would have said this if Shin wasn't hearing everything?

Quote #3

There are times, though, when I wish Shin was not who he is. His interest in invertebrates, for instance, can be embarrassing at times. (1.47)

How often do we like absolutely every little thing about our friends and loved ones? Not very often. But how we hold the little quirks we're not so fond of says a great deal about us as friends.