godless Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I shouldn't have laughed. I don't blame Shin for being angry. I should have talked to him before making Henry a Chutengodian. (15.92)

Jason knows there is an unspoken bro code. And he knows he's broken it.

Quote #8

I am furious with Shin. I went to all the trouble of making that ladder for him, and he freezes up on me. It's embarrassing! As far as I'm concerned, he can stay there the rest of the night. (17.67)

To what extent do our choices and behavior reflect upon our friends, and theirs on us?

Quote #9

How did I end up with a best friend that raises snails, anyway? I refuse to let Shin's weirdness interfere with my social life. Or my religion. (18.20)

Do you think the friendship between Jason and Shin is balanced? Does Shin need Jason more than Jason needs Shin?