godless Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It felt strange to be walking beside Henry Stagg, but the confrontation with the law somehow bound us together. (6.90)

This reminds us of that phrase you hear in movies and such: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Quote #5

I could never tell him what a pathetic nerd he looks like to a guy like Henry Stagg. Even though he knows. But he will never hear it from me. (12.24)

Do you think Shin knows he looks pathetic to Henry? Does he know that Jason thinks this? For Shin's sake, we really hope not.

Quote #6

Shin blinks and a tear dribbles down his cheek. I want to grab him and slap him and tell him, Grow up. Don't be such a baby. If you weren't such a nerdy, clumsy wuss, you wouldn't get left out. At the same time I feel awful for not telling him about Henry sooner. […] He's my friend. And he trusts me. (12.67)

The thing about friends is that at the same time as we accept them despite their weirdness (and sometimes because of their weirdness), we are secure in the knowledge that they too accept us and our idiosyncrasies. In order to this trust to thrive, though, we have to actually share ourselves with each other.