Going Bovine Chapter 42 Summary

Wherein I have a Conversation with My Sister and the Fates Throw Me a Bone

  • Cam and Jenna sit down at a beach lounge to talk. Cam explains everything, and strangely enough Jenna is on board. (It helps that she broke up with Chet.) She promises not to tell their parents where he is—well, at least until tomorrow when she has to check in again.
  • A drunken brawl erupts and a cute dude named David helps Jenna out of the way; Cam slips out while she's distracted.
  • He goes looking for Gonzo and runs into Staci Johnson. She tells him he looks hot and then kisses him. Whoa. His mind is promptly a puddle of slush, and he goes off to get a beer with her.