Going Bovine Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Have you ever done anything for anybody else just because you actually cared about them? No. You probably don't even know what that feels like."

This is the part where I jump in and say, Why, that's not true. I care about all sorts of people. And the environment. And endangered farm animals. Secretly, I've been working up a plan to give an endangered farm animal to every person I care about just so they will know the depth of my feelings. But the truth is, she's got me on this point. Chet's not the angel that she thinks he is, but I'm in no position to say s*** about anybody. (8.94-95)

Even Cam can admit that he's hopelessly self-centered, which isn't a good thing. Self-awareness is the first step to fixing it, sure, but he doesn't seem like he really cares that much.

Quote #2

Eubie puts a hand to his chest and staggers backward in mock shock. "Cam-run? Did you just ask a personal question? Did you express an interest in your fellow man, in someone other than your own miserable self? Lord, Jesus! It's a miracle—that's what it is!" (10.15)

Once again, Eubie is calling 'em like he sees 'em. It's sad, though, that even one little question that expresses an interest in someone else is so shocking coming from Cam's mouth.

Quote #3

They finally ask me about myself. Usually I would edit my story, say as little as possible so I could stay in hiding mode. It's been my M.O. my entire life—living just below the radar. But tonight, I'm so tired I just tell them everything. It feels good not to hold myself in check. (28.50)

If it's so much work to stay off other people's radars, why do it? What has changed (other than being so tired) that is allowing Cameron to confide in other people?