Going Bovine Love, Lust, and Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

One of the Hotness Crew smirks. Staci Johnson. I'm not too proud to tell you that it makes me go a little expansive in my Fruit of the Loins. Staci Johnson is a shallow social climber who would never allow me within a ten-foot radius of her rather magnificent body. I know this. But what can I say? My penis is a traitor. (3.11)

We're sure it's no shock to you if we say that teenage boys are often led by their hormones—and Cam is no exception here. The fact that he despises everything Staci Johnson represents doesn't stop him from having lustful feelings toward her.

Quote #2

In the end, I take my shoes off and stick my feet in, letting the lukewarm water lick at my ankles. It feels good, and not just because I'm stoned. I make a mental note to add this to Dulcie's list of things worth living for. For some reason, I keep seeing her rolling her eyes at me, that big, goofy grin stretching her face like Silly Putty. On my private list, I add her smile. She doesn't have to know. (28.81)

Uh-oh… Cam and Dulcie, sittin' in a tree, right? Cam is falling in love with her, and we're not sure he's even aware of it yet. Or maybe he is and he isn't ready to admit it. Either way, he's starting to fall hard.

Quote #3

Dulcie arches an eyebrow, but that grin isn't far behind, and God, what is it about girls in general and this one in particular that I would sit in a room all day coming up with jokes just for another one of those funky smiles? (32.19)

Ooh, Cameron's in lurve. At least that's why he's mildly obsessed with her smile, and noticing things like her facial expressions down to the minutiae.