Going Bovine Theme of Friendship

You might think that the biggest transformation Cam undergoes in Going Bovine is developing mad cow disease, but rotting brain aside, his metamorphosis into a dude who cares is pretty freaking spectacular. One of the main ways this manifests is in Cam making friends. At first Cam treats people like hassles, but by the end, Dulcie, Gonzo, and Balder are people he truly enjoys being around. Cam goes from too scared to borrow an LP from a dear friend (too much commitment) to someone willing to jeopardize his entire mission just to help a friend find his precious ship. Aw.

Questions About Friendship

  1. Does Cam have any friends before he gets sick? If he does, is he aware of it? Back your answer with evidence from the text.
  2. What are some of the things Cam does in the name of friendship? Why can he do these things when he's dying, but not before? Be specific, yo.
  3. In a group of friends, everyone brings something different to the table. What are the traits each character contributes to the adventure that helps Cam and the gang's journey be successful?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Prior to getting his death sentence, Cam has a good friend in Eubie but is too self-absorbed to notice it.

Before he starts dying, Cam has many potential friends but is too insecure and defensive to let his guard down enough for relationships to be possible.