Going Bovine Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

You dismissed us on day one, I think. It's the kind of sardonic comment that would be good to share with a mate, a pal, a sidekick and co-conspirator. If I had one. (2.7)

Yeah, that's a pretty lonely sentiment there, Cam. It's no good being awesomely witty if there's no one else to witness it and get pleasure from your scathing genius.

Quote #2

I guess we're sort of friends. If getting high in high school bathrooms and occasionally sharing a table in the caf counts as friendship. (2.24)

There are friends and there are friends, you know? If the only things you share are pieces of furniture at a given time and love of an illegal substance, though, we're going to go right ahead and say that you're not really friends, though—this screams acquaintances. While Cam is trying to be nonchalant about not really having friends, we think it's just an act. He knows he doesn't really have any friends, and it's easier to be defensive than it is to put himself out there.

Quote #3

"Nowhere's a bad place to be. I been there. How come you got no girlfriend?"

I pick up a copy of the free weekly newspaper I have no intention of reading. "Ahh, you know. The Cam-man is meant to be shared by many, held by none."

Eubie laughs. He's got a laugh like a machine gun firing through velvet. "That's some serious bu'shit, man. Do yourself a favor, friend. Leave my shop and go live a little." (4.7-9)

Now here's a friend. Eubie is probably the only person at this point in Cam's life who gives it to him like it is because he sees right through all of his facades. He calls him out on his baloney, but only because he cares. He wants Cam to stop hiding and get out there—which is exactly what a good friend would want for him, too. Dang it, Cam, why do you have to be so blind?