Going Bovine Chapter 7 Summary

In Which I Am Subjected to the Slings and Arrows of Dinner with My Family

  • Cam's dad decides they should all have a family dinner together at Luigi's, but Jenna already has plans to go to the movies with Chet and the gang, and Cameron doesn't even feign regret when he makes his excuses.
  • Regardless, Dad's word is law, so they're all forced into a family dinner together at Luigi's.
  • While striving for some awkward conversation, Jenna mentions that she wants to accompany Chet on his church's ski trip. That plan gets shot down because she suggests she could use her college savings to go.
  • Then Dad starts riding Cam about his terrible grades, and Mom tries to distract everyone with a wistful mention of how much they used to love hearing Viking sagas at bedtime.
  • They walk through the strip mall after dinner, and Cam gets a warning about the end of the world from a homeless dude wearing a tinfoil hat.