Going Bovine Resources


All the Thoughts from Libba Bray

Check out Bray's blog, where she leaves no stone of interest to her unturned.

Libba Bray, the Whole Package

This is Bray's official author website and your one-stop shop for all things related to the author and her books.

Going Nowhere

Looking for a bit of anticlimax in your day? Then this website is definitely for you. That's all we'll say.


Go Deep

In this interview, Bray really opens up about her life and how it's influenced her writing.

Let's Talk

Bray talks motherhood, writing tips, and much more in this conversational interview. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy.


Schrödinger's Cat Paradox Illustrated

Quantum physics is hard, to, and Schrödinger's Cat paradox is confusing. This video makes both seem easy to understand and funny. Give this guy a Nobel Prize already.

Bray in a Cow Suit

Libba Bray gives a little humorous interview for Going Bovine. Unsurprisingly, she's pretty funny in real life, not just on the page.


Cover Art

One thing's certain: This cover lets you know that things won't only be serious in the book.


Check out one fan's interpretation of Dulcie. Is this how you picture her?