Lips Touch: Three Times Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Lips Touch: Three Times? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How does Estella try to convince James that the curse is real?

She shows him research on it.
She lets him meet Vasudev.
She steals his shadow.
She tells Anamique to test out her voice on an ant.
Q. What does Kizzy wake up to find sitting on her pillow the day after she meets Jack?

A valentine
Her grandmother's knife
A Hershey's Kiss
A pillow
Q. What does Kizzy hear when she enters the cemetery with Jack?

The voices of all the ghosts
The sound of her classmates making fun of her
The beating of Jack's heart
Miley Cyrus's "Party in the USA"
Q. What does Anamique use her magical, deadly voice for at the end of "Spicy Little Curses Such As These"?

Putting Vasudev into a trance so that he agrees to her demands
Killing all of her enemies
Threatening her husband whenever he annoys her
Becoming a contestant on American Idol
Q. How does Mihai know Yazad?

They went to the same school.
They both knew each other as Druj hunters.
Mihai incubated in Yazad for a while.
They met at a frat party.