Lips Touch: Three Times Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Lips Touch: Three Times? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How does a kiss change Kizzy's life?

It means that she's giving up her soul.
It means that she'll have something to brag about to her friends.
It means that she'll lose her nickname.
It means that she'll finally have a boyfriend.
Q. What does Kizzy find on her pillow when she wakes up the day after meeting Jack Husk?

A retainer
A hamster
A list of chores
A knife
Q. What happens to souls in the Fire?

They turn to dust.
They're forged into new bodies.
They get sexier.
They start to sparkle.
Q. Why is it so upsetting to Anamique when James finally kisses her?

He uses way too much tongue.
He has bad breath.
He's obviously afraid of the curse.
He has chapped lips.
Q. What color scheme does Jim Di Bartolo use in the illustrations for the book?

Red, black, and white
Yellow, purple, and pink
Katy Perry's hair colors
Black and more black