Lips Touch: Three Times Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She knew why. She looked up at him and spots of color flamed in her cheeks. He was afraid of her. After all of his cajoling and his scoffing at Providence, making her believe she could have a normal life, making her dream and hope, after all that, he was afraid of the curse! (2.9.20)

This is so not how Anamique imagined her first kiss going. Instead of kissing her because he wants to, James ends up kissing her in order to shut her up. He's scared that if she makes a noise, he'll die—and so will all of the people around them. It turns out that he's right to be afraid.

Quote #5

"You will serve in her place as Ambassador to Hell."

Anamique felt a spasm of fear, but she nodded. "Anything," she repeated. (2.11.61-62)

Anamique isn't just a pretty young girl with an otherworldly voice; she's a fearless crusader for those that she loves, too. After all, she's willing to go into the Fire of Hell in order to retrieve James's soul—and she even agrees to become the next Ambassador to Hell.

Quote #6

She hated to wake her mother if she wasn't having one of her nightmares—Mab was plagued by nightmares and found little rest in sleep. So many nights, so many mornings, she woke screaming and Esmé soothed her as if she were the mother and Mab the child. (3.1.1)

Poor Mab is still plagued by memories of her time in Tajbel. Even though she won't tell Esmé about everything that happened, it's clear that she's still pretty traumatized from her time serving as the Druj Queen's little pet.