Lips Touch: Three Times Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The rest of the morning went like any other. She ate some wild apples and worked the knots out of her hair with her ivory comb […]. She put it away, shoving the mystery of her bleeding to the back of her mind and hoping to leave it there. It was over, she thought. Over. (3.7.9)

When Mab gets her period for the first time, she chooses to ignore the problem rather than ask someone for help. Maybe if she just pretends it's not happening it will go away. That's logical, right?

Quote #8

He was lying. It would hurt. Like roots being ripped asunder, it would hurt. He was sorry for it, but he didn't know any other way. (3.11.13)

Maybe it's for the best that Mihai lies to Esmé about how much splitting her soul from the Druj Queen will hurt. After all, being "ripped asunder" doesn't exactly sound like a walk in the park.

Quote #9

Mihai whispered her to sleep, catching her body and cradling her for a moment in his arms, his hand splayed tenderly over her belly, before laying her down on her bed of furs. He did not want her to suspect what she carried within her. (3.15.61)

It's probably not ethical to have the Druj Queen incubate inside Mab's unborn baby without Mab's consent—especially when Mab hates the Druj Queen and everything that she's inflicted on her human pets.