Lips Touch: Three Times Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

And while they danced, James whispered to her. He urged her to sing for him, to tell him that she loved him. "How can I ever believe it," he asked, his brown eyes pleading, "unless you tell me so yourself?" (2.6.8)

Well this complicates things. Anamique just wants James to love her and to know that she loves him back, but it looks like he wants some verbal confirmation. Doesn't he care that hearing an "I love you" from her could actually kill him?

Quote #5

The girl was in love! Nothing could scatter caution like love. Nothing could turn a girl silly half so fast as a handsome soldier whispering in her ear! And a soldier begging her to talk, no less! (2.7.1)

Love can be a great thing, but it can also be quite dangerous—which is exactly what Vasudev is counting on. He's delighted to learn that Anamique is in love because it means she's more likely to trip up and let the curse come true.

Quote #6

James' wife never told him that she loved him, not out loud, but he learned to believe it anyway. There are other ways of showing someone you love them, such as fetching them out of Hell. (2.12.1)

Now that James knows firsthand that Anamique's curse is a real thing, he's not going to ask her to say that she loves him anymore. After all, she's shown through her actions that she'll do anything for him, and that's proof of love enough.