Lips Touch: Three Times The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Estella stared at them. Delight gleamed in their eyes. They didn't believe her. Of course they didn't. Her Majesty's subjects didn't go around believing things willy-nilly. But whether they believed it or not, the curse was as real as the heat, and soon they would know it. (2.2.15)

To the fancy British people at the garden party, Estella's curse is just some kind of silly game. They don't have the slightest idea that she has an actual demon holding her to the curse, and that they will all die if baby Anamique so much as whimpers.

Quote #5

In the Fire, Anamique's eyes were open and she saw countless souls drifting all around her, souls like alchemist's metal being transfigured in this great crucible, souls made molten, made new. (2.11.54)

Anamique's having the kind of bad day where all sorts of unbelievable things keep happening to her. First she starts singing at her birthday party and all her friends and loved ones drop dead, and now she has to travel through Hell and see a bunch of dead souls. What a trip.

Quote #6

The music flowed into him like a river and swept all his malice away, and when he awakened from his trance, he would hear himself mutter preposterous things like, "Whatever you think is best," or, "Of course my dear, all the children shall survive the flood." (2.12.4)

When Vasudev cursed Anamique with that otherworldly beautiful (but deadly) voice, he didn't think of how the consequences would affect him if she became the next Ambassador to Hell. Now the old demon is falling under her spell… and he has no one to blame but himself. Ha.