Going Bovine Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"No matter if he has lost his wits completely and speaks like one whom the dogs should tear asunder in a mercy killing," Balder continues. "This is a quest. I pledged my loyalty to Cameron back on the cul-de-sac. I shall see it through till the end." (29.189)

He may be small, but when it comes to friendship, Balder's about as mighty as they come.

Quote #8

[Gonzo] has every right to call his mom and head back to Texas, but I hope he won't. The truth is, I've kind of gotten used to his neurotic weirdness, and I'd miss it if he left. Maybe that's what real friendship is—getting so used to people that you need to be annoyed by them. (29.191)

But is Cam really so annoyed by Gonzo? Or is this just his disgruntled way of admitting that he enjoys his company?

Quote #9

"He was very disrespectful. I have learned much in my current form. I have seen how those supposed to have no power can be disregarded quite easily. Just because I'm small doesn't mean I have no worth."

Gonzo nods. "Say what-what." He puts a stubby fist on the back of his seat rest.

"What-what." Balder says. He reaches up and bumps fists with Gonzo, and they go back to eating their chips in satisfied silence. (30.97)

How's this for some male bonding, eh? These two may be small, but their shared mightiness becomes be the basis for their budding friendship. At first Gonzo doesn't trust Balder because he thinks Balder is too ashamed to admit that he is a dwarf. But after a few lethal-looking injuries from diner projectiles, Gonzo finally realizes that Balder truly is just trapped in his tiny form, and now they have common ground to stand on.