Going Bovine Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Going Bovine? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What's the only thing Gonzo deems safe to eat at restaurants?

Grilled cheese
Steak, well-done
Definitely the tuna
Q. Whenever he gets anxious Gonzo needs his what?

Security blanket
Thumb to suck
Cell phone to use Web MD
Q. What game is Gonzo obsessed with?

Captain Carnage
Major Payne
Colonel Catastrophe
General Mayhem
Q. Gonzo's hair goes from ______ to ______:

Permed, Crimped
Afroed, Mohawked
Long, Short
Curly, Straight
Q. Which is Gonzo's "type"?

Staci Johnson, popular queen bee
Drew, handsome spring breaker
Dulcie, punk rock angel
Cameron, brooding teen