Going Bovine Love, Lust, and Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

How do people stay in love, anyway? Is it a choice? Or is it like those plants we studied in biology that mutate into something new and totally different but are still part of the same plant family? (43.21)

Cam might be onto something here. Love changes people irrevocably, whether it ends disastrously or lasts forever, and there's no real recipe for staying in love.

Quote #5

I've never been in love. I will die without knowing what it feels like to need to see one person's face when you go to sleep at night, to crave seeing it when you wake up. I wish I knew. (43.22)

We think he does know what love is like. He's in love with Dulcie, after all; he's just not aware of it yet. (Geez, sometimes teens are so slow on the uptake when it comes to this stuff.)

Quote #6

I nod, suddenly wishing she weren't here. I looked upon your face and knew happiness. […] I don't know, for the first time, the song hits me in the gut. Under the recorder, beneath the sort of bizarre lyrics is that pain Eubie talked about. This longing for something, for someone, all your atoms dreaming toward somebody else's. And just like that, Dulcie's face flashes in my mind. The way the light's all soft around her face, the goofy expressions she makes, the look of wonder when she smiles. (43.54)

Cam wishes Staci would leave because he's finally starting to see the light. The Great Tremolo's bizarre music has just made something click, and now he understands that he's in love with Dulcie. It's about dang time.