Legend Chapter 7 Summary


  • The soldiers take Day back up to his cell and he can hear the distant sound of gunshots and screams. He wonders what's going on.
  • In comes Thomas, who Day obviously recognizes as the guy who shot his mom in the head. Thomas says that perhaps they started off on the wrong foot, and Day laughs at the ridiculousness of this. It's the understatement of the century.
  • Well, onto the next thing then. Thomas starts interrogating Day about different Patriots. He starts flashing pictures on the wall and asking Day if he recognizes them.
  • Day doesn't recognize anyone until a picture of Kaede pops up. Apparently she's a Patriot. Of course Day keeps silent and claims that he doesn't know her.
  • He gets angry and spits at Thomas, and Thomas beats him in response and tells him that he shouldn't have kissed June.
  • Day picks up on the fact that this apparently really bothers Thomas and he starts to heckle Thomas about it. This doesn't make Thomas calm down at all; he hits Day again and says that he better shape up or else they'll go after his brothers.