Legend Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Line)

Quote #1

That's why I worry about Eden, because even though he's easily the smartest of us three boys, he thinks a lot like I do. (1.1.34)

Even though Day hasn't actually talked to Eden in five years, he still worries about his little brother constantly. He keeps watch over his family because he feels like it's his responsibility.

Quote #2

"Metias is doing a better job than our dead parents," I reply, maybe more sharply than I intended. (1.2.15)

All that June has left in the world is her brother. If she were to lose Metias, what would she even do? Unfortunately, she's going to have to learn the answer to that question…

Quote #3

"You're not going to leave me too, are you? You'll stay with me longer than Mom and Dad did?"

Metias kissed me on the forehead. "Forever and ever, kid, until you're sick and tired of seeing me." (1.4.15-16)

Because their parents are dead, Metias has taken on the role of both big brother and surrogate parent. He raises June as though she's his own child, even though they aren't that far apart in age.