Legend Patriotism Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Line)

Quote #1

Thomas may be several years younger than Metias and a subordinate on his patrol, but he's more disciplined than anyone I know. Sometimes I wish I had that much discipline. He probably disapproves of my stunts more than Metias does. (1.2.36)

Thomas may have a great deal of patriotism and loyalty to the Republic, but it definitely doesn't mean that it's a good thing. June's better off with what she has—which is a sense of humanity and compassion.

Quote #2

We could hear the loudspeakers outside playing the Republic's national pledge. When they got to the part mentioning our president, Metias stood and saluted in the direction of the capital. (1.4.2)

The folks at the Republic are rather serious about showing their allegiance to the Republic all the time. Does that mean that everyone believes in what the Republic is preaching, though?

Quote #3

"Thank you for coming," I say. "It means a lot. I know Metias would be proud that he gave his life for his country." (1.6.7)

What a lie. Metias didn't give his life for his country at all—his country forcibly took life away from him.