No Country for Old Men Strength and Skill Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from No Country for Old Men.

Quote #1

"Yeah, I'm gonna bring you something, all right. Decided to make you a project of mine."

Here's Llewellyn Moss right after Anton Chigurh threatens to kill his wife. Strong? Yeah, we guess. He's definitely standing up for his lady, if that's the sort of thing you like. But—we're going to say it—isn't he being just a wee bit selfish here? Looks like strength doesn't necessarily equal smarts.

Quote #2

"He won't [quit] neither. He never has. He can take all comers."

Carla Jean stands by her man. She has total faith in Llewellyn's strength and skill, and we have to admit she has reason. As the movie goes on, though, and Llewellyn realizes that he's matched with baddies above his pay grade, her confidence drains away—and so does ours.

Quote #3

"There just ain't no way."

Moss lies in bed one night staring at the ceiling, thinking about the posse of drug dealers on his trail. Like you do. After a while, he realizes that there's just no way anyone could have ever tracked him as quickly as the Mexicans have. He jumps out of bed and searches his money briefcase to find a radio tracking device stashed in the cash. Okay, it's smart of him to figure this out. But he's also unfortunately too late: Chigurh has already found him. Better luck next time, dude.