No Country for Old Men Scene 44 Summary

  • Sheriff Bell munches on some breakfast with his wife and asks her if she's going to go riding with him. She says she can't because she's not retired like him. In that case, he thinks he'll stick around the house and help her out, but she says she doesn't need or want the help.
  • Mrs. Bell asks Ed Tom how he slept, and he answers that he had two dreams, both with his father in them. The first one he can't really remember—something about meeting his father in town and getting some money that he then lost.
  • The second dream is much more vivid. It was like in the old times. Bell and his father are riding their horses through the mountains at night. Bell's father rides past him and just keeps going ahead into the night without saying a word.
  • When his father rode past, Bell noticed that the man was carrying fire in an old horn the way people used to back when you couldn't just flick a lighter.
  • In the dream, Bell knew that his father was riding ahead so he could go make a fire somewhere out amongst all the darkness and cold. And Bell knew that whenever he got there, his father would be there.
  • Then he woke up.
  • Roll credits with nothing more than a ticking clock.