No Country for Old Men Scene 21 Summary

  • Moss is in his hotel room putting as many of the tent poles together as possible. Then he uses coat hangers to make a huge hook that he duct tapes to the end of the poles. There's some major DIY business going on, is what we're saying. Maybe he should open an Etsy store or something.
  • Meanwhile, the receiver box is leading Anton Chigurh to one of the rooms on Moss's motel. It's clear that the briefcase full of money has some tracking device inside it, but Moss has pushed the thing so deep into the air duct that Chigurh thinks it's in the room next to Moss's and not Moss's.
  • Chigurh rents a room for himself and goes to check it out. He searches the room and tries to figure out where the briefcase could be.
  • Chigurh sets down a duffle bag and pulls out a shotgun with a huge silencer on it. He then grabs his steer-killer and uses it to punch out the lock of a door farther down in the motel. Inside the room is a group of Spanish-speaking men, so obviously Chigurh murders them all with his gun.
  • From his own room, Moss can hear the men being killed. He pauses to listen.
  • Before he kills the last of the Mexicans, Chigurh asks how they found the briefcase. The man responds nonsensically and Chigurh kills him. It seems that the Mexican drug people also have some way of tracking down the money briefcase.
  • After killing the men, Chigurh decides that he wants a fresher pair of socks, like you do. He takes his own off and goes into the bureau. But all the drawers are empty and Chigurh wants to know where the money briefcase is.
  • He finally notices scratches on the air duct that show where the briefcase has been dragged through it.
  • We cut to Llewellyn Moss riding down the highway with a stranger. The man scolds Moss for hitchhiking and says it's dangerous. It's pretty clear that this dude doesn't realize that Moss has bigger things to worry about.