No Country for Old Men Scene 38 Summary

  • Sheriff Bell drives up toward Llewellyn's motel. We can hear lots of gunfire popping in the air as he approaches. A jacked up pickup truck squeals out of the parking lot with two Mexican guys jumping into the back of it.
  • Bell pulls into the parking lot and sees bullet casings on the ground and a body floating in the motel pool. A wounded Mexican man is trying to crawl away from a motel room.
  • Bell walks through the doorway of Moss's motel room and finds Moss dead.
  • Yup, you heard us right. The Coen brothers decided to axe the protagonist of this movie off-screen. Not only that, it wasn't even Chigurh who killed him in some cinematic final showdown. There wasn't even a final showdown at all—just Moss getting killed by a bunch of guys who've barely been in the movie.
  • Sheriff Bell tells the family in the next room to call the police.
  • We cut to night. Police vehicles are swarming over the motel scene. Carla Jean shows up in a cab and can tell from Bell's look that Llewellyn is dead. She breaks down and cries.