No Country for Old Men Scene 36 Summary

  • A man in a truck pulls up on the side of a desert road, where we find Anton Chigurh standing next to a car. The man in the truck asks him if he's having car trouble. Next thing we know, the guy is out of his truck with booster cables.
  • Anton Chigurh asks the man if he's from the area and asks what the nearest airport is. The man answers "El Paso," which is where Llewellyn Moss already is.
  • The truck driver asks if Anton plans on clamping the booster cables on his car. Anton responds by asking whether it's possible to get the chicken crates out of the back of the man's truck.
  • We get a smash cut to Chigurh washing feathers off the back of the man's truck in some sort of car wash garage. We can assume he killed the dude like everyone else.