No Country for Old Men Scene 33 Summary

  • Anton Chigurh punches out the lock in an office door and walks down a hallway with his shotgun. He marches into the office of the man who hired Carson Wells to kill him (Chigurh). The guy goes for his gun, but Chigurh blows him away before he can fire it.
  • Chigurh then asks the other person in the room who he is. The guy is just an accountant who has nothing to do with the criminal world.
  • Chigurh says that the man behind the desk was pretty dumb to give another briefcase receiver to the Mexican drug gang. The accountant only wants to know if he's going to be shot too.
  • Chigurh replies that that all depends on whether the account has seen him. It's a pretty vague question and we never really find out what happens to the accountant.