No Country for Old Men Scene 29 Summary

  • Sheriff Bell sits down with Carla Jean Moss and tells her that Llewellyn is in trouble with some serious drug folks who'll kill him eventually. He wants Carla Jean to tell him where Llewellyn is so he can protect the guy.
  • Carla Jean stands by her man and insists that Llewellyn can take on anyone. In response, Sheriff Bell tells her a story about a man named Charlie Walser who once tried to shoot a steer in the head and instead had the bullet deflected into his shoulder. In other words—in case you didn't quite get the point of this obscure metaphor—there's no such thing as a sure thing when you have a matter of life and death.
  • Sheriff Bell then trails off and talks about how people now kill steers by using an air-powered needle that's connected to a tank and a hose. In other words, the same device Chigurh has been using. Ding ding ding!
  • Carla Jean wants to know why Bell is telling her all this, but he doesn't have a good answer. He says that his mind wanders sometimes.