No Country for Old Men Theme of Strength and Skill

Stubborn pride aside, Llewellyn Moss is a tough and resourceful hero. Psychotic killing sprees aside, Anton Chigurh has insane amounts of skill in escaping death and generally getting his own way about everything. Sheriff Ed Tom has a special ability to make people trust him, and Carson Wells—well, he's just plain good at his job. So, yeah, there's plenty of strength and skill to admire in No Country for Old Men. But where does it get them? Mostly dead. So we have to ask the Coen brothers—as we have more than once—is there a point to anything, guys?

Questions about Strength and Skill

  1. What do you think is Anton Chigurh's greatest skill? Why? Should we admire him for it?
  2. Do you admire anything about Llewellyn Moss? Why or why not?
  3. What is Carson Wells' biggest mistake in this movie? Why?
  4. Do you think it's possible to admire someone you might also not like a whole lot? How so?

Chew on This

Take a peek at these thesis statements. Agree or disagree?

In No Country, we learn that all the strength and skill in the world won't protect someone from the randomness of the universe.

No Country teaches us that the only thing we can count on in a violent world is our own strength.