No Country for Old Men Scene 2 Summary

  • Sheriff Bell's opening voiceover ends as we see a police officer putting a dark-haired man (Anton Chigurh) into the back of his cruiser.
  • We flash to the rural police station where the police officer is talking to his superior on the phone about the guy he's just brought in. Apparently, Chigurh was carrying some sort of a tank with a hose along the side of the highway, the weirdo.
  • While the young officer is talking, we see Chigurh get up at the far side of the room and calmly walk up behind the officer. In an evil James Bond worthy move, he throws his cuffed hands over the officer's head and pulls him back onto the floor, strangling him to death with the chain of the cuffs. It's all pretty gruesome and there's a lot of blood.
  • Chigurh calmly walks into the bathroom, takes off his cuffs, and washes his bloody wrists in the sink. Then he grabs a large tank and hose and leaves.
  • Chigurh steals the officer's car and drives off. It's not long before he turns on the sirens and pulls over another driver in the middle of the desert. He walks up with his tank and hose and asks the driver to step out of his car. The guy gets out and Chigurh tells him to hold still. He holds the end of the hose up to the man's forehead and pulls a trigger.
  • Next thing you know, there's a hole in the middle of the guy's head and he drops dead to the ground. Well, that's going to leave a mark.