No Country for Old Men Scene 34 Summary

  • Carla Jean Moss and her mother ride in the back of a cab toward the airport. Carla Jean's mother rambles on about what a no-good bum Llewellyn Moss is. She says she always new Moss would get her daughter into trouble.
  • Toward the end of her rant, Carla Jean's mother talks about how they're heading toward El Paso, which she thinks is crazy because she doesn't know a single person in El Paso.
  • Meanwhile, we notice that following the taxi is a car full of three Mexican guys in suits. We figure they're from the Mexican side of the drug bust trying to track down Llewellyn and the money.
  • When the taxi arrives at the airport, Carla Jean runs off to make a phone call to Sheriff Bell while her mother stays behind with the bags. A Mexican man in a suit walks up and offers to help Carla Jean's mom with the bags, asking questions about where she's staying in El Paso.
  • If there's one thing we've learned from movies, it's to never accept help with your bags.