No Country for Old Men Scene 23 Summary

  • Llewellyn Moss checks into a hotel and gives the clerk extra money. He wants the clerk to call him if any other men check into the hotel that night.
  • While lying in bed that night, Moss stares at the ceiling before finally saying to himself, "There just ain't no way." We're guessing that he's talking about the fact that people were able to find him in his previous motel.
  • Moss searches through the briefcase and finds the tracking device.
  • While staring at the device, Moss hears some creaking outside. He picks up the phone and calls the front desk but gets no answer. Ominous! He listens at the door and then pulls out his sawed-off shotgun and sits on his bed to wait with the lights turned off.
  • He sees some footsteps go by in the hallway and stop outside his door. The footsteps continue down the hall and the hallway light goes out.
  • Suddenly, the lock shoots out of the door and hits Moss in the chest, stunning him. Out of confusion, Moss fires his shotgun into the door. He turns to run and jump out the window, and we can hear a silenced shotgun going off after him.
  • Moss jumps down to the street and runs back into the bottom floor of the hotel while the shotgun blasts ring out overhead.
  • Moss runs back outside into an alley and shotgun fire erupts from above him again. We see that he's taken some fire in his right side and is bleeding.
  • Back at the road, Moss sees a truck coming and jumps in beside the driver. Before he can even explain himself, the driver takes a shotgun blast to the head and dies.
  • Moss steps on the gas and ducks for cover. He makes it around a nearby corner before crashing the truck. He gets out and runs across the street to hide behind some cars and wait to ambush whoever comes after him.
  • When Chigurh finally comes to check out the truck, he notices the blood leading away from the crash and dives away just as Moss opens fire from behind him. Moss goes to check things out, but he finds that Chigurh has gotten away down a dark alley. Moss must have hit the guy though because there's a lot of blood left behind.