No Country for Old Men Scene 30 Summary

  • We rejoin Carson Wells, who's walking the length of the U.S. Mexican bridge and looking down into the riverbank. He no doubts figures that Moss must have found a way to ditch his money before heading into Mexico.
  • Wells spots the briefcase among the grass on the riverbank. Score! He returns to his hotel. But as he heads up to his room, Anton Chigurh appears behind him on the staircase. He says, "Hello Carson. Let's go to your room."
  • Chigurh sits Wells down and points a silenced shotgun at him. Wells tells him that he doesn't need to kill him because he knows where the money is and can bring it to him. Chigurh has made up his mind though, so Carson then asks if Chigurh has any clue how crazy he is.
  • Just as Wells makes one last offer to give Chigurh the money, the phone rings and both men know that it's Moss. Chigurh pulls the trigger and kills Wells. Then he oh-so-casually takes the phone and answers.
  • Moss asks for Carson Wells and then realizes he's speaking to Chigurh. Chigurh tells Moss to come see him and give him the briefcase full of money or he's going to go kill Carla Jean.
  • Chigurh offers Moss a deal. If Moss brings him the money he'll let Carla Jean go. He would like to say he'll spare Moss too but nah. It's as simple as that.
  • Moss tells Chigurh that he's coming for him and hangs up with frustration. We can tell that dude is scared, and we so don't blame him.