Going Bovine Life, Consciousness, and Existence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The song makes me want to run and shout, kiss girls and ride motorcycles through the desert. It makes me feel really alive, the way Eubie says music should. (19.61)

If only Cam hadn't spent so much time trying to be numb, he could have experienced this before he's actually dying.

Quote #5

"Ain't that a sight? With all the things we know and learn, we still ain't touched the big mysteries—where we come from, where we go next, why we even here. And when something truly miraculous happens, we run and hide in our caves. We deny." (19.107)

There's nothing like looking at the vastness of the night sky to make you ponder your place in the universe. While they look at it together, Junior Webster manages to touch on the exact things that Cameron has been struggling with.

Quote #6

"I feel great. No symptoms. No weird dreams. No sign of the fire giants. Gonzo, I think this might be the cure. There's no need to save the universe, because nothing bad can happen to me at CESSNAB."

"Bad things can happen anywhere. That's life, amigo."

"Well, I've got a new life now, friend, and I'd appreciate it if you'd stop messing with it." (25.13-15)

Life isn't about avoiding everything that's bad; it is about embracing the fact that terrible things happen all the time. If you try to block out all of the bad, you avoid the wonderful as well. It takes both sides, man.