Going Bovine Philosophical Viewpoints: Quantum Physics vs. Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"That's cause nobody knows not'ing about how it all works out or why. Why God takes the good or the young or why we suffer. I don't know why he took my little girl with the cancer when she was only five." She takes a deep breath, like the pain is still fresh. "I don't know and I guess I never will." (13.104)

Glory adheres to the "God is all-powerful, has a plan, and is sometimes really mean" school of thought. Although this doesn't give Cam any comfort when he's clearly seeking some, it definitely gives him something to think about.

Quote #5

I want to scream, If God can see my hurt then why the hell doesn't he take it away? If God really exists, why would he allow all the terrible, unfair things to happen? I mean, what kind of sadistic creep is he? (13.120)

Cameron was raised in a non-specified Christian faith, and Christians believe that humans were created in God's image. So since Cam's pretty not into what's happening to him, why the heck has God done it to him? Perhaps it's Cam's dissatisfaction with faith-based answers that leads his mind to turn to physics-related theories.

Quote #6

"Dr. X is a brilliant scientist. Like beyond genius. Branes, parallel worlds, time travel, wormholes, superstring theory, M-theory, Y-theory, Double-Z-theory, the Theory of Everything Plus A Little Bit More. This guy was at the forefront of it all."

Just trying to follow her is making my head hurt. "My dad says that stuff isn't real science, that it can't be proven."

Her left eyebrow shoots up. "Hmmmm. Anyway…" (15.43-45)

Did you know some of these are real studies? Like, branes isn't a typo, it's a theory that discusses dimensions and planes of existence.