How It All Goes Down
- They tackle the question about imaginary dinner guests, and Daniel says he'd invite God.
- Natasha asks if he really believes in God, and he says he believes the good parts of all human beings are connected, and that's what God means to him.
- He asks her what she believes, and she says she likes his version—definitely not a fan of the "fire and brimstone" version of God (273).
- She wonders why people can't just believe in science, which is already amazing enough.
- She explains the concept of dark matter. That's the idea that the gravitational forces of all detectable matter in the universe aren't enough to hold the universe together, but they do. Therefore (science word), many scientists believe there must be "dark matter" we can't see or measure.
- Daniel thinks the dark matter is love, holding the universe together.
- Natasha pretends to be repulsed by his cheesiness.
- They discuss another question, naming three adjectives to describe how they feel.
- Natasha says she's confused and scared, and who can blame her? It's been a bit of a day.
- Her third adjective: happy.
- Daniel wants to do the "staring into each other's eyes" thing, but Natasha says they'll do it later.
- They share their most treasured memories: Natasha's is wearing a white dress and eating chocolate ice cream with her dad; Daniel's is riding Space Mountain with Charlie so he'd be proud of him.
- Natasha notes that it's interesting both of their favorite memories involve the people they like least now.