The Sun is Also a Star Chapter 114: Jeremy Fitzgerald: A Fairy-Tale History, Part 2 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Jeremy didn't tell Daniel the truth: He missed his appointment with the judge who could have stopped Natasha's deportation because he was getting busy with Hannah. 
  • Well...that really stinks. 
  • Jeremy will think about Daniel for the next week, and then he'll end things with his wife and marry Hannah. 
  • Jeremy's son from his first marriage won't ever get married, and his daughter will marry her first girlfriend, then get divorced and married two more times. Way to go, Dad. 
  • Jeremy and Hannah's future kids will believe in love because they've seen it. 
  • "All of which isn't to say that Jeremy Fitzgerald did the right thing or the wrong thing. It's only to say this: love changes everything" (297).