We Happiness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Record.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Yes, I love the fog, too. I love everything, and everything appears to me wonderful, new, tense; everything is so good! (15.7)

Our man seems to have changed his tune here, don't you think? Does this possibly suggest that happiness is a solely subjective thing, and by extension, that the State's idea of permanent happiness in its citizens is just a pipe dream?

Quote #5

You are perfect; you are mechanized; the road to one-hundred-percent happiness is open! (31.20)

Again, here the State is promising perfect happiness by submitting to it completely with the Operation. But if happiness is subjective as the book suggests earlier, is this really happiness?

Quote #6

Here I saw, with my own eyes, that laughter was the most terrible weapon: you can kill anything with laughter—even murder itself. (35.34)

This is a great representation of happiness as a weapon. It's a weapon used to control the minds of all of humanity, and the rebels wish to use this particular form to defy the One State. The One State denies itself weapons by denying such basic components of humanity.